Amiga Format CD 44
Amiga Format CD44 (1999-08-26)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-10].iso
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* Released source code to public domain. I can't be arse with it any
more! Sorry about the state of the code.
* Will now allow multiple Arexx ports, and multiple commodities
* New 'STARTDAILY' tooltype
* New progress indicators for NetAnalyser
* Made loads of changes to prefs GUI, and to prefs files. Made prefs file
convertor to get over change. Waste of time really!
* Added a locale of sorts. User definable currency symbols.
* Added a date gadget for those that want
* Added basis of daily totalling.
* Added preliminary carrier detection to Netstat.
21/6/97 - NetAnalyser V1.38
* Fixed problem with ?'s appearing in max values and stupidly long log
* Added scaling to silly stats graphs. Should stop the graphs 'maxing
17/6/97 - NetAnalyser V1.37
* Fixed 'stack overflow' problems with large logs
* Added daily averages to Silly Stats
* Added progress indicator when building database. Why won't this work
when analysing though?
27/5/97 - V1.8.3 etc
* Removed 'Holiday' feature. It's a popular conception that BT charge
weekend rates on a bank holiday, but upon checking my phone bill from the
last one, it seems I was wrong. Whoops! Sorry :/
* Totally changed the way that Crash Logging works - much easier, much
quicker. I have no idea why I implimented it the way I did before!
* Fixed CrashLog routine again. Whoops
* New 'BARLENGTH' Tooltype Added
29/4/97 - V1.8.2/V1.36/V1
* Fixed a silly little bug in NetAnalyser that calculated dynamic totals
wrong. Whoops!
* Added 'Update' tooltype to Analyser, incase people don't want dynamic
* Discovered I'ld broken the crashlog routine. Fixed again!
* Reduced CPU load a little more. Makes it a bit unresponsive!
* Managed to get CPU load down to around 3% when in normal mode
11/4/97 - V1.8.1/V1.35/V1
* I'm a bit behind on my history. V1 of Netspeak done.
* Added ability to Iconify program
* Added definable period for Env: settings
* More tooltypes and arexx commands to reflect these additions
29/3/97 - V1.8/V1.35
* Added bank holiday stuff
* Added the ability to quit with Ctrl-C from shell.
* Cleaned up code a bit.
* Fixed a small bug in Analyser.
* Added Arexx control to NetStat!!!!!
* Added another 2 time zones in prefs - resulted in yet another change in
the prefs file.
* Fixed a rather dramatic bug that caused an infinite loop in the crashlog
if it held a value greater than an hour.
* Added a small summary log option in Analyser. Prints a text file with
analysed totals. Useful for keeping track of your bills.
* Realised I'm getting lost in my own code. Need to anotate a bit better.
12/3/97 - v1.75/v1.33
* Added Definable Hotkey (minimize/maximize/jump screen)
* Added Delay factor
* Changed a bit of internal code, probably created a load of bugs in the
* Changed Prefs file format again - sorry!
10/3/97 - v1.74/v1.33
* Finally sorted out the problems with the Listviews. They now behave as
they should after logfile maintenance!
* Changed the choice section, so you can now analyse a range of calls.
* Analyser now shows daily totals - just looks like a simplified logfile
* Fixed some bugs that cropped up in the averages bit. Switched to
floating point maths. Seems to have done the job!
* Fixed a problem in the plugins section that caused Netstat to seem as if
it had stopped. However, this is a partial fix, as icon tooltypes in
plugin are ignored. :/
* Added more stats to the NetAnalyser. Now displays a couple of graphs,
plus some averages. Silly stuff really! :)
4/3/97 - 1.73
* Added 'plugin' support. This is more for future stuff as there's no API
as yet. Still working on this.
* Possibly finally got timeout feature working. Should run both Dos and
Arexx scripts!
* Added CLI arguments at last - Now startable from Shell!
/ Unfortunately, for further ease of programming, added the need to make
the logical assign Netstat:
* Added 'SMALL' tooltype - Starts the program off minimized
* Fixed a small bug in the crash log routine that caused the program to
write an invalid logfile if the computer crashed when online for less
than 1 minute!
* Tooltypes now saved to icon when prefs are saved
* Finally added a somewhat esoteric commodities exchange interface
* Reversed the history file as I was bored of scrolling to the bottom to
add stuff :)
25/2/97 - 1.72
- Released a version to Aminet, then realised that there was a small bug.
Whoops. Sorry guys :/ Fixed now though!
23/2/97 - 1.71
* New Feature (Whooo!!) - Crash Logging. If selected, a small file is
written to the hard drive every minute. This provides a 'to the nearest
minute' log of your call in the event of a crash! The crashlog is
analysed at startup, and a proper log record is made. Coool!! :)
20/2/97 - 1.7
* Changed error message routines so that all errors are reported using
reqtools requesters. They don't look as nice, but it's a damned site
easier to do, and requires less code. Needs reqtools.library though!
* Almost got the Timeout feature working now! Having problems getting
it to run external scripts though :/
* Sorted out a couple of gliches in the prefs loading error trapping, and
the 'save as' routines. Late night coding has it's drawbacks!
* Changed the 'About' window to a retools requester. Took out the stupid
graphic that was causing me loads of hassle. Doesn't look quite as nice
but it's more functional!
* Changed Cyclegadgets to Listviews - much much much much nicer :)
- Discovered that Miami 2 has it's own logging procedure - contemplating
adding support for analysing this file, but it's in a yicky format, so I
might stick to basic Miami support (use own timer). Need to learn
Blitz/Arexx support to do this. Haven't I said this before???
* Added filerequesters to save and load prefs as other than default and
save the log file to somewhere other than s:netstat.log. At the moment
there is only a small amount of error checking to see if the files are
* Now possible to delete records from the logfile.
* Started preliminary timeout warning in main program so you can limit time
you spend online.
* Added DISCOUNT tooltype to NetAnalyser
* Fixed a little bug that caused the program to rescan if the close gadget
was selected
* Changed billing to per-second. This has created a small flaw in the way
cost is calculated. Nothing too major, but a little puzzling
* Moved prefsfile to S: just to be awkward :)
* Oh bugger - The midnight bug pops up again - aaaaaaargh!!! Found and
squashed as quickly - stupid typo. I must have been tired :)
- Time zone calculation still seems to be somewhat ary though, I thought
I'ld sorted that out! :(
* Neatened up some of the GUI
* Crossed fingers that I've sorted out time zone calculations once and for
all. I tested a bit more thoroughly this time :)
* Moved logfile to S: - LOGFILE tooltype added for future
* NetAnalyser can now be launched from NetStat (found a working copy of
* NetStat constantly monitors for Slip0State. Automatically starts when
online detected. This works with AmiTCP using SLIP device. If I find out
ways of detecting other TCP stack status' then I'll hopefully implement
that. (Works with my setup though!!) :)
* Added some stuff to NetAnalyser. There's strange behaviour when you
select the last record to analyse from. Must investigate this!
* Fixed a stupid error in NetAnalyser!!
* V1.5 Uploaded to WebSite.
* Fixed Logging bug - sheesh, what a hassle
* I think I've fixed the time band bug
* Tooltypes now work - yay!! :)
* Took all VAT calculations out of main program and put them into the
logfile analyser. All that bug hunting for nothing - still, much simpler
this way!
* Rudimentary NetAnalyser completed
* Hopefully fixed the 'midnight' bug
+ Added window position Tooltypes. They don't work though :(
* Found a really stupid bit of duplicated code - should cut CPU useage
no-end :)
+ Added a few extra little things
- Found a bug in the time band procedure
- Created a new bug in logging procedure - appears to not log VAT :/
* Hopefully stopped program from CPU hogging
* Changed the way time online is calculated (used to miss time under heavy
cpu load - hopefully this is rectified). This seems to have sorted out the
strange 'prefs' bug too. Bonus!!!
* Theoretically sorted out VAT. VAT should be added to displayed cost and
logged cost
* Finally sorted out the Prefs save/load feature. Doesn't cause a guru
anymore :)
+ Added a little popup information window - needs a bit of a cosmetic
overhaul though
Pre 2/2/97
Too many changes to list!!